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Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) Trunking for Programmable Voice

Augment Twilio in seconds with Commio’s powerful, cloud-based inbound and outbound call technology that seamlessly integrates with your voice API—with no developer lift needed.

Twilio is great. Commio makes it better. As your voice and messaging needs grow, Twilio’s limited carrier redundancy, minimal control, and high costs can become significant challenges. Regain control and significantly reduce costs—integrate Commio seamlessly with Twilio in minutes. Calculate your monthly cost savings now, then learn more about why Twilio users add Commio to their applications.

Twilio Outbound Voice

Commio is here to handle the routing of your calls, while your existing Twilio code manages and manipulates every dial. Best of all, no additional code or software is required to be installed with this option, just a few simple steps and one text change needs to be made. By changing a simple parameter that is sent to Twilio, Twilio re-routes your outbound calls as a SIP call to us. Our cloud communications platform routes your calls for you, unlocking higher quality voice, giving you full control – and saving you money in the process.


Your Commio Account ID and Token parameters need to be sent with the call for authentication purposes. You can get the values of these parameters by logging into our Commio io platform. Follow this demo to set up your connection now:

Twilio Inbound Voice

Twilio can be easily enhanced with a minimum of development effort to buy, activate, and use Commio phone numbers to augment your inbound voice. After following these directions, inbound voice calls to your Commio phone numbers will route to Twilio, and outbound calls initiated from Twilio will route through your Commio outbound voice profile. Login to Twilio and your Commio io accounts, as we’ll move between both portals throughout these instructions. 

Learn more and start saving today

Augment Twilio in seconds with Commio’s powerful, cloud-based inbound and outbound call technology–no developer lift needed
