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Building Your Messaging Opt-in List(s)

Scott Navratil

Permission is Critical!

Good opt-in form

Good opt-in form

Unlike some forms of marketing, everyone you send text messages to must have opted in to receive texts from you, and only you—no exceptions, regardless of messaging type! So, you’ll want to start collecting this information from your prospects and customers well before you even think about adding actual campaigns to your communications.

If you’ve been sending unregistered campaigns, you may need to do some list cleanup before the December first deadline for registering all 10DLC, so it’s time to get moving! 

If you include an opt-in request with all your other marketing, communications, shopping carts, etc., building your opt-in list should go fairly quickly, especially if you incentivize people with a promotion. Make it easy to convert with URL, QR code, and/or short code options as appropriate. You can find more suggestions in our 20 Ways to get Your Text Messages Across eBook. 

Bad opt-in form

Bad opt-in form

There are strict rules around how to collect opt-ins: 

  • You must maintain evidence that each person on your list opted in. 
  • You cannot rent or buy lists from someone else, and you cannot share or sell your own list.
  • Your opt-in forms should clearly state all relevant information, including brand and the type(s) and frequency of messages they can expect from you. All opt-in details must be found on each collection page; it cannot simply link to the Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, or elsewhere (see examples). 
  • Opt-in language should be separated by use case. For example, if your company provides automated updates plus marketing texts, those should be separate opt-in lines (see example on the next page). 
  • Double opt-ins are encouraged (where the initial message asks them to confirm their original opt-in). At the very least, send a welcome message that reiterates expectations (content type and frequency; see example). 
Opt Ins by Use Case

Opt Ins by Use Case

Privacy Policy / Terms & Conditions

If your website is used to collect mobile phone numbers, you need a visible privacy policy on the website with a mobile sharing section that explicitly states you do not share mobile subscriber data with third-party services. Note that listing opt-out preferences does not replace the privacy policy. 

Your website footer and opt-in forms should link to this privacy policy. 

Good privacy policy

Good privacy policy

Bad privacy policy

Bad privacy policy

Bad privacy policy

Bad privacy policies


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See also: Introduction | Planning | 10DLC Infographic | Building Opt-in Lists | Registering Your Brand | Writing Your Message(s) | Registering Your Campaign(s) | Reviewing Campaign Success

Date posted: May 8, 2024

Topic: 10DLC Long Code   Messaging   Messaging API   Uncategorized  

Tags: 10 DLC   10dlc   long code   MMS   privacy policy   SMS  

Scott Navratil

Scott is VP of Customer Retention & Growth, and has held executive management positions at several top IP communications companies. He was named one of Colorado Business Magazine’s most powerful salespeople. He is a regular speaker at national telecom events. Scott holds a B.A. in Meteorology from the University of Northern Colorado. Scott primarily enjoys spending time with his family in Colorado and also enjoys skiing, snowboarding, racing motorcycles, and astronomy.

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